Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I've Been Gone WAY Too Long

Sorry for the unintentional extended absence folks- I got the stomach virus around Christmas time and then went to visit the boyfriend's family for the first time at the end of the year. (Note to self: thirteen hour roadtrips in the backseat with two large Labs are not so fun.) Anyway, there's a whole lot that I want to write about now that I'm back, beginning with an editorial from a magazine that is more practical than aspirational.

InStyle Magazine really hit the mark with its styling of Keri Russell in their January issue. I'm pretty bummed nobody gave me what I really wanted for Christmas (an unlimited lifetime shopping allowance- seriously guys, where were you on that one?), because if they had I would definitely dress like this all the time. It's the perfect mix of masculine touches with an overall girly feel. I'm going to try to look to this shoot for inspiration for my winter wear since its finally gotten slightly colder here in the Deep South. Keep up the good work, InStyle! Maybe you'll finally tempt me to get a subscription this year.


Dallas Shaw said...

glad ur back!


Dallas Shaw said...

linked ;)

kaitlyn said...

kerri russel looks so beautiful!

Michelle said...

Oh I TOTALLY agree, I saw this magazine at the doctor's office, I was there way early, walking around taking a test, and this totally saved me, I just dreamed of pretty clothes, how amazing is her hair too!


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